2 min read
Navigating Your Parents' Separation: A Teen's Comprehensive Guide


Hey, fellow teen! Buckle up because we're about to dive deep into what happens when your parents decide to part ways. I've been there, and I want to be the guide I wish I had during my parents' divorce at 15. Get ready; this is your ultimate go-to manual.

Understanding Intensified Feelings:

1. Teen Turbulence:

  • As teens, everything hits us harder – emotions, fears, beliefs, and disappointments. Throw in your parents' separation, and it feels like a storm. I've been through it, and I'm here to help you navigate the chaos.

2. Common Ground:

  • Parenting teens is no walk in the park, even under the best circumstances. Add a divorce, and things get trickier. But with patience and understanding, we can make this transition smoother for you and your folks.

From One Teen to Another:

3. Listening Matters:

  • Your feelings about your parents' separation are valid. Sometimes, talking feels impossible, and that's okay. When you're ready, share your thoughts. Your parents need to hear your voice, even if it's just a whisper.
  • If talking about the separation is challenging, find moments to share unrelated stuff. Let them know you're there to chat about anything, whether it's school, friends, or the latest Netflix show. Your parents need to feel your presence beyond the separation.

4. Embracing Insecurities:

  • Feeling insecure after the split is normal. The family unit changes, and it's okay to feel a bit lost. Your worries about friends, school, and relationships are valid. It's a roller coaster, but underneath, it's often about finding stability.
  • Your parents might be shaky, but show them you need a solid foundation. Encourage them to communicate and work together. It's like giving your life a stabilizer during a wobbly ride.

5. Facing Changes Head-On:

  • Changes might be coming – a new home, a different school, or splitting time between your parents. It's cool to feel sad or angry about it. Talk to your folks about how you're feeling, and let them know you're a team. They need to be your cheerleaders during this transition.

6. Parent vs. BFF:

  • Your parents might want to be your cool pals, especially after a divorce. But hey, you need parents, not just friends. Boundaries matter. It might be fun at first, but down the road, you'll appreciate having parents who guide you, not just chill with you.

7. Money Matters (But Not Your Problem):

  • Finances might feel shaky, but that's not your burden. Parents sometimes drag teens into money talks, but there are apps for that. Onward, for instance, helps them figure it out without involving you. Your focus? Being a teen without worrying about the bills.

8. No Messenger Duty:

  • Your parents shouldn't turn you into a message courier. It's not your job to relay notes between them. Trust me; it's like being stuck in the middle of a weird texting game. Let them sort out their stuff directly.

9. Accountability Stays:

  • You're not off the hook for chores and rules. Even in this crazy time, keeping some structure is good. It might feel tough, but it's better than a free-for-all. Trust me; it helps to know what to expect.

The Legal Landscape:

10. Court Process Unveiled:

  • Okay, let's talk about the serious stuff. The court process can be confusing, but understanding it is crucial. Courts decide on things like custody, visitation, and support. Your parents might need to attend hearings, but it doesn't mean they're fighting. It's about making sure everyone is taken care of.
  • CAFCASS in the Mix:
    • CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) might step in. They talk to kids like us during the court process to understand our thoughts and feelings. It's not about taking sides; it's about making sure our voices are heard.

11. Navigating Mediation:

  • Mediation is like a sit-down where your parents, with the help of a neutral third party, discuss important stuff. It's like finding common ground without the courtroom drama. Understanding that mediation is about cooperation, not confrontation, can make a huge difference.
  • Child Inclusive Mediation (CIM):This is crucial, so listen up. In CIM, the mediator will chat with you separately. It's not about choosing a parent; it's about making sure your feelings and thoughts are part of the decisions. They'll give you info on the process so you know what to expect.


Being a teen during your parents' separation is tough, but you're tougher. Safety and structure are your anchors, and now you know the legal landscape too. Keep those communication lines open, embrace the changes, and remember, you're not alone on this roller coaster.

Remember, seeking support is a sign of strength, and there are people and resources available to help you navigate this challenging time. 

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