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Handing difficult financial cases can be extremely daunting to many mediators, particularly those who are newly accredited and those from non-family law backgrounds; but we’re here to help you take on this challenge.

  • Date:06/07/2022 10:00
  • Location Online Event


Course Length: 5 hours

CPD Points: 5

This course will set out to help mediators build their knowledge of financial and property issues (which will be acquired on the foundation training course and during their portfolio building), and to also help you grow in confidence when it comes to dealing with difficult financial matters.

By the end of the course, our attendees will have a firm understanding of:

•     The current legal framework for divorce, dissolution, and separation agreements; and how to provide appropriate information about this to mediation clients.

•     The new Divorce and Dissolution of Civil Partnerships Act 2020, and how to explain to clients the upcoming changes to divorce/dissolution legislation.

•     The factors governing financial settlements on divorce and dissolution, including: the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, S 25 factors, fairness, Mesher orders, child maintenance and maintenance of spouses – and how to give appropriate information about these to mediation clients.

•     Pensions as they relate to mediation clients, including:

  • The need for actuarial valuations in appropriate cases
  •  Reference to recent law
  • The difference between defined contribution and defined benefit pensions
  • How pensions are treated by the court in financial settlements
  • The importance of ensuring that mediation clients understand the concept of dismissal of Inheritance Act 1976 claims in ‘clean break’ divorce/dissolution settlements

•     How to identify the ‘red flags’ that indicate mediation clients may need to seek advice about Capital Gains Tax issues.

•     How to access helpful online guides for further legal and financial information.

Jane Bridge will also work with attendees in small groups to:

Discuss case examples

  • Provide tips on the practical application of the legal framework in mediation
  • Enable them to practice proving appropriate financial information to mediation clients 

This course is jam-packed with extremely useful information, and, by the end of the course, it is hoped that attendees will feel a lot more confident in applying their new-found knowledge and skills when working with their clients on financial matters.

This course will be run by our highly skilled PPC and accredited mediator Jane Bridge.

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