Father needing a voice

After his separation from his wife, David felt that his perspective and needs were not being heard or considered in the family law process. He was struggling to maintain a relationship with his teenage daughters and sought help from the Family Mediation Trust.

During the mandatory information and assessment meeting (MIAMs), the mediator discussed the option of using Child Inclusive Mediation (CIM) with David and his ex-wife. CIM allows children to express their own needs and preferences in the mediation process. Both parents agreed that CIM would be the best approach for their situation.

A separate mediator met with the couple's daughters and reported their views and needs in the second mediation session. This information helped David and his ex-wife to come up with a new contact plan that increased the time David spent with his daughters, but also took into consideration the needs and schedules of both parents.

David realized that the CIM process helped him understand that the most important factor in the mediation process was the well-being and needs of his daughters. With the help of the Family Mediation Trust, David was able to improve his relationship with his daughters while also finding a solution that worked for everyone involved.

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